Unconscious Bias Campaign

  • August 10, 2020

Unconscious biases are learned stereotypes that are automatic, unintentional, deeply ingrained, universal, and able to influence behavior

When Chris Johnson was formulating his vision for the Chris “CJ” Johnson Foundation Inc., he did not want to be perceived as a cancer patient, or as a victim, or pitied in any way. He wanted to be known as a father, as an RMC advocate, as a warrior, a son, a brother, and a friend. How others unconsciously perceive us is typically not in line with how we wish to be seen. This is known as Unconscious Bias.

The Chris “CJ” Johnson Foundation would like to take the first steps to help our communities overcome their unconscious biases. If we can consciously train our minds to look past what we are inherently programmed to see, we can begin to change and become even better human beings as a result!!! How would you like others to perceive you? What do you love about yourself that you would like to share with those around you? How can we connect with others on common interests?

We would like to initiate this movement by providing a creative outlet to show those around us that there is #more than they initially perceive. Our interactive (glow-in-dark/re-writable) apparel will allow you to showcase who you are to the world! When did you last acknowledge something you love about yourself? What do your children, your friends, your family love about themselves? How do they want to be seen or heard? Let’s hear it! Taking even the smallest step towards overcoming bias can have a monumental impact on ourselves, our families, and our communities.

All proceeds from this initiative will be utilized to reduce disparities and bridging access to adequate healthcare as well as providing monetary assistance for RMC (Renal Medullary Carcinoma) patients.

To donate and order your shirt, please click on the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LrJi2hCU5y7vcBy3rm1YEzj-3PtaEpafn7OrvVjl_3g/edit